Book Reviews

Monday, October 09, 2006

Julius Ceaser..

I dont know why...,but i dont like this play,,,I think its selective assumption...But somehow...,at the back of my mind..,i always feel ive done injustice to this play...,donno why...anyways...,

Caesar is loved by the common people, who beg him to abolish the Senate and declare himself Emperor. Many of the senators are worried by this, particularly Cassius who persuades his friend Brutus to join a conspiracy to assassinate Caesar. Ignoring various omens and nightmares, Caesar goes to the Senate on the Ides (15th) of March, where the conspirators stab him to death. Brutus tries to appease the common people by explaining that the murder was essential to save Rome from tyranny. But then Caesar’s lieutenant, Mark Antony, gives a speech in which he tells the people that Caesar loved them and left them property in his will. The people riot. Brutus and Cassius flee, and proceed to raise an army. Mark Antony joins forces with Caesar’s nephew, Octavius, to oppose them. A battle takes place in which Brutus and Cassius are defeated, and commit suicide rather than be captured. Mark Antony and Octavius triumph, and the play ends with them giving Brutus a noble burial.

So how did u guys like it????

Accha laga kya??



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