Book Reviews

Monday, October 09, 2006

Measure For Measure...

This is a brief overview to a very complicated play. I have also purposely not given away the ending of the play.Set in Vienna (a change from the usual setting of Verona), we meet the Duke, who has failed to enforce the laws of the state, and as a result Vienna has become a sordid city with prostitution and loose morals being very prominent.
One day for no apparent reason (the no apparent reason - happens quite a lot in this play! Some questions don't have answers! Thats why the play is so thought provoking.) the Duke decides to leave Vienna, and hand power over to Angelo, his deputy.Angelo is originally portrayed as a man of morals. He is determined to restore law and order to Vienna and clamps down on immorality and prostitution. One of the laws that Angelo enforces, is a law forbidding sex outside the institution of marriage.
He arrests Claudio, who has got his long-term girlfriend Juliet pregnant, out of wed-lock. For this crime, Claudio is sentenced to death.The reader immediately becomes suspicious of Angelo and questions his authority - sentencing Claudio to death seems a ridiculous decision. Claudio contacts his sister Isabella, who is about to take her vows as a nun. She pleads with Angelo to spare her brothers life. Angelo agrees to spare Claudio - but only in return for sleeping with Isabella.Angelo is therefore revealed as a hypocrite - on one hand enforcing the laws to the letter but on the other hand breaking them and personally indulging in immoral behaviour. Isabella is faced with a difficult decision - save her brother or betray her vows?This is where the play gets very complicated - as it is revealed that the Duke hasn't gone. Infact he has disguised himself as a Friar and is still in Vienna, trying to talk to its people and create a better place. It is up to the Duke to expose Angelo and save Claudio's life.

For those who'vw read this my question is..,was the ending proper???And for all those who havent read me..,could u give me a suitable ending for this play???

Till next time,,



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