Book Reviews

Monday, October 09, 2006

Farenheit 451...,by Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is arguably the most important and influential book of our time. Written almost 50 years ago, the novel predicts the climax of a chain of events that seems to have already started in our current society. Fahrenheit 451 is not only an exciting novel of rebellion and thought-provoking ideas, but also the warning of a possible future.
In this society, works of literature are banned and firemen burn the banned books. The main character, Guy Montag, is one such fireman. He undergoes a crisis of faith, sparked by meeting a unique girl who thinks for herself.
Bradbury explains how the ban began, with books deemed offensive being censored until eventually the intolerance of differing voices leads to the ban of all books. Then there are no voices at all, only an abysmal, vacuous society - a frightening thought.
Montag's boss reasons with him about the banishment of books, saying, "Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs. Don't give them slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy." The people of Montag's world live under that principle, though they don't know it, and believe ignorance is bliss.
Fahrenheit 451 is more important today than ever before.(Just like Gandhigiri is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo important today than ever before...) I was appalled to hear several teens say the book is stupid or doesn't have enough action and suspense. Their views frighten me because those are the beliefs of Bradbury's dystopia. The lack of understanding of different ideas seems to have dumbfounded my peers, and as a result they never want to read the book again; they think it should be thrown away or even burned! Individuals who believe this only further vindicate Bradbury's fears.
The novel shows exactly what sorts of terrible things censorship can do to a society, and the importance of free speech. People must learn to accept and understand different views, whether or not they agree. We must always be able to think for ourselves and never accept the norm, for that is the way to melancholy. Everyone should read Fahrenheit 451, take what they learn from it and apply it to their everyday lives.

Well..,i have my do...Do u have urs??

It is a must read..,an alltime classic..,

So go ahead and indulge urselves..,

Till Next time..,



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